1:1 Template
Mar 27, 2023
XX <> TH
Important Links
- Kick Off 1:1
- Brag Document
- ⏫ Growth Tracker
We should be catching up on your growth every four weeks, our last growth chat was:
- Never! First one planned for xx xx
This is your agenda, so please maintain it on a week to week basis!
DD MM 202X
- Pulse check: what’s on your mind?
- Kick Off 1:1
- Brag Document
What are 1:1s for?
- Helping to unblock you
- Helping focus and prioritise
- Feeding back in the moment, as and when - reaffirming great behaviour and giving feedback as and when we see the behaviour
- Coaching, used as a tool to guide and encourage performance & development
If you’re getting stuck, here’s some ideas of what we can talk about:
- What have you learnt since we last met?
- Are the priorities of your team right?
- Are you blocked by dependencies on others?
- Are you working on anything that feels unimportant or unproductive?
- What are we not doing that you wish we would do?
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<div class="highlight"><pre tabindex="0" class="chroma"><code class="language-Markdown" data-lang="Markdown"><span class="line"><span class="cl"><span class="gh"># XX <> TH
### Important Links
- [Kick Off 1:1](https://tomhipwell.co/blog/kickoff/ )
- [Brag Document](https://tomhipwell.co/blog/brag/ )
- ⏫ Growth Tracker
## Growth
We should be catching up on your growth every four weeks, our last growth chat was:
- Never! First one planned for xx xx
## Minutes
This is your agenda, so please maintain it on a week to week basis!
### DD MM 202X
- Pulse check: what's on your mind?
- Kick Off 1:1
- Brag Document
### What are 1:1s for?
- Helping to unblock you
- Helping focus and prioritise
- Feeding back in the moment, as and when - reaffirming great behaviour and giving feedback as and when we see the behaviour
- Coaching, used as a tool to guide and encourage performance & development
## Prompts
If you’re getting stuck, here’s some ideas of what we can talk about:
- What have you learnt since we last met?
- Are the priorities of your team right?
- Are you blocked by dependencies on others?
- Are you working on anything that feels unimportant or unproductive?
- What are we not doing that you wish we would do?